International Journal of Analysis and Applications
<p><strong>Aims and Scope</strong></p> <p>International Journal of Analysis and Applications is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles in all areas of analysis and its applications.<br />Topics included but not limited to:<br />Abstract harmonic analysis; Clifford analysis; Complex analysis; Computable analysis; Control and optimization; Convex analysis; Difference equations; Differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fourier analysis; Functional analysis; Inequalities; Geometric analysis; Mathematical biology; Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis; Multivariate analysis; Nonlinear functional analysis; Numerical analysis; Numerical methods in Fourier analysis; Operator theory; p-adic analysis; Partial differential equations; Real analysis; Stochastic analysis; Tropical analysis and all the other fields of their applications. </p> <p><strong>Submission Policy</strong></p> <p>The manuscript submitted to IJAA should not have been published, and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other coauthors and their institutions.</p> <p><strong>Peer Review Policy</strong></p> <p>The peer-review process is single blinded; that is, the reviewers know who the authors of the manuscript are, but the authors do not have access to the information of who the peer reviewers are.</p> <p><strong>Open Access Policy</strong><br />This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.</p> <p><strong>Copyright</strong></p> <p>Authors retain the copyright of their manuscripts, and all articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.</p> <p><a href="">More About the Journal...</a></p>Etamaths Publishingen-USInternational Journal of Analysis and Applications2291-8639<p>Authors retain the copyright of their manuscripts, and all Open Access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY 4.0</a>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.</p>Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined by Miller-Ross-Type Poisson Distribution Series
<p>It is very well-known that the special functions and integral operators play a vital role in the research of applied and mathematical sciences. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a new subclass of analytic functions involving Miller-Ross functions and obtain coefficient inequalities, distortion theorem, convex linear combination, partial sums, convolution, and neighborhood results for this class.</p>Chandrasekharan NatarajMukil AlagirisamyH. NiranjanP. Thirupathi ReddyB. Venkateswarlu
Copyright (c) 2025 Chandrasekharan Nataraj, Mukil Alagirisamy, H. Niranjan, P. Thirupathi Reddy, B. Venkateswarlu
2025-03-032025-03-0323606010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-60Characterizations of Quasi \(\theta(\tau_1,\tau_2)\)-Continuous Multifunctions
<p>This paper is concerned with the concepts of upper quasi θ(τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions and lower quasi θ(τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions. Furthermore, several characterizations of upper quasi θ(τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions and lower quasi θ(τ1, τ2)-continuous multifunctions are considered.</p>Prapart Pue-onAreeyuth Sama-AeChawalit Boonpok
Copyright (c) 2025 Prapart Pue-on, Areeyuth Sama-Ae, Chawalit Boonpok
2025-03-032025-03-0323595910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-59Three Step Hybrid Block Method with Two Generalized Off-step Points for Directly Solving Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations
<p>This article presents a hybrid block method with steplength k = 3 and two hybrid points chosen within grid intervals [x<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>] and [x<sub>n+1</sub>, x<sub>n+2</sub>]. The block method is applied for the numerical solution of third order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) directly. An improved methodology is introduced where the generalized form to develop any three-step hybrid block method is given for solving third order ODEs irrespective of the value of the hybrid point with respect to the chosen intervals within the grid. The properties of the block method were investigated with the method exhibiting convergence following from satisfying the properties of zero-stability and consistency. To further validate the new hybrid block method, certain numerical examples were considered and the results show improved accuracy in terms of error comparison when compared with previously existing literature.</p>Raft AbdelrahimAbdelgabar Adam HassanHamdy M. BarakatMohammad S. Hijazi
Copyright (c) 2025 Raft Abdelrahim, Abdelgabar Adam Hassan, Hamdy M. Barakat, Mohammad S. Hijazi
2025-03-032025-03-0323585810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-58Fractional Order Delay Differential Equation Constrained by Nonlocal and Weighted Delay Integral Equations
<p>This paper presents theoretical proof of the existence of a unique solution to a constrained problem of the Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equation with time delay functions by utilizing the Schauder fixed point theorem. Moreover, we analyzed the continuous dependence of the solution on the initial conditions and other parameters. Further, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of the problem. We introduce some examples and special cases to illustrate our results.</p>A.M.A. El-SayedW.G. El-SayedKheria M. MsaikHanaa R. Ebead
Copyright (c) 2025 A.M.A. El-Sayed, W.G. El-Sayed, Kheria M. Msaik, Hanaa R. Ebead
2025-03-032025-03-0323575710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-57On a Soft Quotient Structure over JU-Algebras
<p>This article aims to investigate the soft quotient structure of JU-algebras constructed by intersection soft ideals of JU-algebras. We will introduce fundamental homomorphism structure applied to quotient over JU-algebras that are constructed using soft ideals. Additionally, we will provide a characterizations of positive implicative soft quotient JU-algebras.</p>Azeem Haider
Copyright (c) 2025 Azeem Haider
2025-03-032025-03-0323565610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-56Positive Definite Kernels and Radial Distributions on the Euclidean Motion Group
<p>Let G = R<sup>2</sup>⋊T be the Euclidean motion group and let K(λ,t) = I<sub>0</sub>(λ)δ(t) be a distribution on G, where I<sub>0</sub>(λ) is the Bessel function of order zero and δ(t) is the Dirac measure on SO(2)≅T, the circle group. In this work, it is proved, among other things, that the distribution K(λ,t) is tempered, positive definite, bounded and radial. Furthermore, a description of Levy-Schoenberg Kernels on the homogenous space of SE(2) is presented.</p>U.E. EdekeJ.A. OdeyE.E. EssienA.O. OtikoD.O. EgeteJ.N. EzeorahE.E. BasseyB.I. Ele
Copyright (c) 2025 U.E. Edeke, J.A. Odey, E.E. Essien, A.O. Otiko, D.O. Egete, J.N. Ezeorah, E.E. Bassey, B.I. Ele
2025-03-032025-03-0323555510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-55Some Algebraic Characteristics of Bipolar-Valued Fuzzy Subgroups over a Certain Averaging Operator and Its Application in Multi-Criteria Decision Making
<p>In this manuscript, we introduce the concepts of ψ-bipolar-valued fuzzy set (ψ-BVFS), ψ-bipolar-valued fuzzy normal subgroup (ψ-BVFNSG), cut sets M<sub>ψ(υ,χ)</sub>(C<sub>υ,χ</sub>M<sub>ψ</sub>)) of ψ-BVFS and ψ-BVFSG, and bipolar-valued fuzzy cosets (BVF cosets). Further, we explore some algebraic properties of newly defined ψ-BVFSG. In addition, we present some new results of homomorphism and quotient group of ψ-BVFSG. At the end, we provide an application of ψ-BVFS in decision making by using topsis method.</p>Aqsa Zafar AbbasiAyesha RafiqUmar IshtiaqSanaUllah SaqibSalvatore Sessa
Copyright (c) 2025 Aqsa Zafar Abbasi, Ayesha Rafiq, Umar Ishtiaq, SanaUllah Saqib, Salvatore Sessa
2025-03-032025-03-0323545410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-54Optimization of the Approximate Integration Formula Using the Quadrature Formula
<p>The article explores Sard’s problem of constructing optimal quadrature formulas in the space W<sup>(4,0)</sup><sub>2</sub>(0,1) by using Sobolev’s method. This problem involves two steps: first, calculating the norm of the error functional, and then finding the minimum of this norm by the coefficients of the quadrature formulas. The norm of the error functional is computed using the extremal function. Then, by using the method of Lagrange multipliers, a system of linear equations for the coefficients of the optimal quadrature formulas in the space W<sup>(4,0)</sup><sub>2</sub>(0,1) is derived, and the existence and uniqueness of the solution to this system are discussed. The paper then proceeds to construct the optimal quadrature formula using the discrete analogue D<sub>4</sub>(hβ) of the high-order differential operator. Finally, the optimal quadrature formulas that are exact for exponential-trigonometric functions are obtained.</p>Kh.M. ShadimetovA.K. Boltaev
Copyright (c) 2025 Kh.M. Shadimetov, A.K. Boltaev
2025-03-032025-03-0323535310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-53Common Fixed Point Techniques in Bipolar Orthogonal Metric Space With Applications to Economic Problem and Integral Equation
<p>This article proves a new common fixed point theorems in bipolar orthogonal metric space in the context of the Meir-Keeler contraction type. We have given some suitable examples based on our obtain theorems. Finally, we provide an application to the integral equation and an application to the production-consumption equilibrium problem.</p>Gunaseelan ManiGopinath JanardhananSabri T.M. ThabetImed KedimMiguel Vivas-Cortez
Copyright (c) 2025 Gunaseelan Mani, Gopinath Janardhanan, Sabri T.M. Thabet, Imed Kedim, Miguel Vivas-Cortez
2025-03-032025-03-0323525210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-52\(L\)-Mild Normality and \(L_2\)-Mild Normality
<p>The purpose of this work is to introduce and study two new topological properties called \(L\)-mild normality and \(L_2\)-mild normality. A space \(X\) is called an \(L\)-mildly normal space if there exist a mildly normal space \(Y\) and a bijective function \(f:X\to Y\) such that the restriction function \(f|_A:A\to f(A) \) is a homeomorphism for each Lindelof subspace \(A\subseteq X\). If the space \(Y\) is Hausdorff, then the space \(X\) is called \(L_2\)-mildly normal. We investigate these properties and present some examples to illustrate the relationships among \(L\)-mild normality and \(L_2\)-mild normality with other kinds of topological properties.</p>Alyaa AlAwadiSadeq Ali Thabit
Copyright (c) 2025 Alyaa AlAwadi, Sadeq Ali Thabit
2025-02-212025-02-2123515110.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-51Predicting Indonesia’s Urban Heritage Tourist Loyalty: The Impact of Memorable Tourism Experience, Cultural Destination Image, and Cultural Motivation
<p>The rich tapestry of Indonesian culture, with its multifaceted and diverse expressions, exerts a significant influence on the nation's tourist industry. Recognizing this, the integration of cultural heritage into tourism development has become a central pillar of national strategies aimed at boosting tourism revenue and strengthening the national economy. This study aims to elucidate the interconnected relationship between memorable tourism experiences, cultural destination image, and cultural motivation in influencing tourist loyalty within the context of Indonesia's urban heritage tourism. This research employs the structural equation modelling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) approach, utilizing SmartPLS 4.0 software for data analysis. The main findings of this study confirmed that memorable tourism experiences could encourage tourist loyalty in Indonesia's urban heritage. Moreover, the study emphasises the essential contribution of cultural motivation in driving tourist loyalty. This study holds significant managerial implication, this research will give several pictures like how to attract the tourism through tourist experience features.</p>Yesiana Ihda KusnayainAnanda Sabil Hussein
Copyright (c) 2025 Yesiana Ihda Kusnayain, Ananda Sabil Hussein
2025-02-212025-02-2123505010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-50Some Generalized Fuzzy Separation Axioms
<p>This article's objective is to progress the field of generalized fuzzy topological spaces, particularly generalized fuzzy T<sub>0</sub> spaces. Various types of these spaces are introduced and examined. We investigate their hereditary, productive, and projective properties, and demonstrate that these properties are preserved under bijective generalized fuzzy continuous generalized fuzzy open mappings. Additionally, we explore these concepts in the context of initial and final generalized fuzzy topological spaces.</p>F. H. KhedrO. R. SayedS. R. Mohamed
Copyright (c) 2025 F. H. Khedr, O. R. Sayed, S. R. Mohamed
2025-02-212025-02-2123494910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-49Advancements in Multivariate Distribution Modeling: Introducing the Multivariate Kumaraswamy Exponential Pareto distribution (MKEPD) Framework
<p>This study aims to formulate a new probability distribution, called the Kumaraswamy Exponential Pareto distribution (KEPD), from the Exponential Pareto distribution (EP). This distribution was designed to be suitable for fitting real-life data by utilizing the Kumaraswamy family to create a novel continuous probability distribution approach. This study derived some properties of this new distribution and conducted a simulation study using different parameter combinations. The results of the simulation study demonstrated the impact of additional parameters on the suggested distribution. In real-life data applications, the suggested distribution exhibits a better fit than the existing Kumaraswamy Exponentiated Pareto Distribution (KEPD), Exponential Pareto Distribution (EP), and Exponential Distribution (Exp).</p>Abdullah Ali H. Ahmadini
Copyright (c) 2025 Abdullah Ali H. Ahmadini
2025-02-212025-02-2123484810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-48Controllability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Impulsive Neutral Integro-Differential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions
<p>This paper explores the controllability of nonlocal intuitionistic fuzzy integro-differential equations using intuitionistic fuzzy semigroups and the contraction mapping principle. By establishing a clear theoretical approach, we show that it is possible to achieve controllability under specific conditions. This study offers new methods and significant insights into the analysis of fuzzy systems. The results demonstrate that, given the right conditions, controlling systems with nonlocal features is feasible, addressing important challenges in this area.</p>T. GunasekarJ. ThiravidaraniRania SaadehAhmad QazzaJunaid AhmadGhassan Abufoudeh
Copyright (c) 2025 T. Gunasekar, J. Thiravidarani, Rania Saadeh, Ahmad Qazza, Junaid Ahmad, Ghassan Abufoudeh
2025-02-212025-02-2123474710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-47Mathematical Analysis for the Behavior of the HIV Dynamics in a Periodic Environment
<p>In this paper, we propose and study an HIV dynamics model that considers three ways of infection, as well as general transmission and neutralization rates in a periodic environment. The model accounts for both latently and productively infected cells. General nonlinear functions are given for the incident rates of infection and the neutralization rates of infected cells and viruses. The basic infection reproduction number, which is the spectral radius of an integral operator, determines the model’s global dynamics. We have analyzed the model’s asymptotic stability as the value of the basic reproduction number approaches unity. The numerical simulations carried out across three different scenarios support the findings of the theoretical investigation.</p>Sana Abdulkream AlharbiNada A. Almuallem
Copyright (c) 2025 Sana Abdulkream Alharbi, Nada A. Almuallem
2025-02-212025-02-2123464610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-46Upper and Lower Weakly Quasi \((\tau_1,\tau_2)\)-Continuous Multifunctions
<p>This paper presents new classes of multifunctions called upper weakly quasi (τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions and lower weakly quasi (τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions. Moreover, several characterizations and some properties concerning upper weakly quasi (τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions and lower weakly quasi (τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous multifunctions are considered.</p>Montri ThongmoonAreeyuth Sama-AeChawalit Boonpok
Copyright (c) 2025 Montri Thongmoon, Areeyuth Sama-Ae, Chawalit Boonpok
2025-02-212025-02-2123454510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-45A New Computational Method Based on the Method of Lines and Adomian Decomposition Method for Burgers' Equation and Coupled System of Burgers' Equations
<p>This study proposes a new computational scheme for the solution of the class of one-dimensional Burgers’ equations, comprising mainly the classical Burgers’ equation, and the system of coupled Burgers’ equations. This method is based upon coupling the Method of Lines (MOL) and the prominent Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) for the reliable computational examination of dissimilar initial-boundary value problems of Burgers’ equations. Certainly, MOL helps with the spatial semi-discretization of the governing problem to a system of nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs); while the ADM contributes to the efficient semi-analytical solution of the resulting nonlinear ODEs. Moreover, the computational accuracy of the new approach has been demonstrated on certain test models and further evaluated using L<sub>2</sub> and L<sub>∞</sub> norms. Indeed, the method produces better results with minimal errors than many existing computational approaches as successfully reported in various supportive figures and tables.</p>H. O. BakodahR. M. Al-HarbiA. AlshareefA. A. Alshaery
Copyright (c) 2025 H. O. Bakodah, R. M. Al-Harbi, A. Alshareef, A. A. Alshaery
2025-02-142025-02-1423444410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-44Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Boolean Rings
<p>Maji et al. [10] presented the idea of intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets (IFSSs), which build on intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and soft sets. In this paper, we extend the notion of IFSs to Boolean rings (BRs). We briefly overview intuitionistic fuzzy soft Boolean rings (IFSBRs) and list some of their fundamental characteristics. We define the intersection, union, AND, and OR operations of IFSBRs. We then present the definitions of IFSIs and consider a few associated findings.</p>Gadde Sambasiva RaoD. RameshAiyared IampanB. SatyanarayanaP. Rajani
Copyright (c) 2025 Gadde Sambasiva Rao, D. Ramesh, Aiyared Iampan, B. Satyanarayana, P. Rajani
2025-02-142025-02-1423434310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-43The Dynamic Roles of Government, Higher Education, Large Enterprises, and Communities in SME Collaboration: Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Innovation Exchange
<p>This study examines the impact of SMEs' multidimensional strategic collaboration with government agencies, higher education institutions, large enterprises, and SME communities on performance, with inter-organizational knowledge exchange and innovation as mediating factors. Utilizing data from 411 managers of food and beverage SMEs in the Greater Malang Area, Indonesia, the research employs structural equation modelling through WarpPLS to assess the relationships among four key constructs: SME multidimensional strategic collaboration, inter-SME knowledge exchange, inter-SME innovation, and SME performance. The findings reveal that collaboration with government entities has the most significant direct and mediated effects on performance, while partnerships with universities and large enterprises produce more conditional results, depending on the SMEs' capacity to absorb and apply external knowledge and innovations. Additionally, collaboration with SME communities has a meaningful impact on knowledge exchange, which partially mediates performance outcomes, highlighting the value of peer-to-peer learning and shared experiences within SME networks.</p>Sunday NoyaArmanu ThoyibRisna WijayantiAnanda Sabil Hussein
Copyright (c) 2025 Sunday Noya, Armanu Thoyib, Risna Wijayanti, Ananda Sabil Hussein
2025-02-142025-02-1423424210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-42Applications of Borel Distribution and Mittag-Leffler Function on a Class of Bi-Univalent Functions
<p>In this study, we present a novel class of bi-univalent functions that incorporates the Borel distribution and the Mittag-Leffler function within the open unit disk D. This is achieved by employing the q-analog of the hyperbolic tangent function in conjunction with the Hadamard product. The primary goal is determining the initial coefficient bounds for functions that fall within this newly defined class. Additionally, we explore the classical Fekete-Szegö functional problem as it pertains to these functions. Moreover, we highlight several known corollaries that arise from specific selections of the parameters associated with this class.</p>Waleed Al-Rawashdeh
Copyright (c) 2025 Waleed Al-Rawashdeh
2025-02-142025-02-1423414110.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-41The Influence of Quarantine and Uprooting Control Measures in Reducing Rice Tungro Disease through a Mathematical Model
<p>Tungro virus is one of the most important diseases that affect the rice plant, as it is known as cancer because of the severe damage it causes both in quantity and quality in production. This disease is transmitted by the green leafhoppers (Nephotettix virescens), which are the most responsible vector for the disease's transmission. In this paper, we consider a mathematical model that describes the transmission dynamics of vector-borne rice tungro disease (RTD), which represents the predator-prey interaction between insect vectors and biological agents. Moreover, we incorporated two control efforts to formulate the optimal control model (OCM) in order to examine the best strategy for reducing the infection of RTD. The description of the two implementing controls is quarantine control ( ) such as uprooting and burning infected plants and chemical control ( ) such as using insecticides, respectively. The Hamiltonian and necessary optimality conditions (NOCs) are presented based on Pontryagin’s maximum principle (PMP). We show numerical simulations in some figures by using the forward-backward sweep method (FBSM) to investigate the suggested control strategies. The results demonstrate that each integrated strategy can reduce infection transmission, but the combination of the two controls is the best strategy for the others.</p>Hegagi M. AliSalem AlkhalafNagwa M. Arafa
Copyright (c) 2025 Hegagi M. Ali, Salem Alkhalaf, Nagwa M. Arafa
2025-02-142025-02-1423404010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-40Optimized Three-Stage EPQ Model Incorporating Time-Dependent Deterioration and Trapezoidal Demand Dynamics
<p>In the world of economic evolution, world economics depends on the manufacturing industries for their source of income. Besides this, all manufacturing industries aim to achieve maximum profit with minimum cost. An optimal three-stage economic production quantity model with time-dependent deterioration and trapezoidal and triangular demands is described in this paper. Shortages are not allowed; all cost values depend on time, and demand depends on trapezoidal and triangular demand. However, trapezoidal demand is described mainly in this paper. Practically, many products like automobiles, electronic devices, vegetables, biomedicines, fruits, fancy products, dairy products, etc. exhibit trapezoidal demand. A direct inverse relationship between the trapezoidal demand and production rate describes the demand rate. This study intends to delight consumers and reduce total costs. Our conclusions are illustrated using numerical examples, extensive prediction with the help of MATLAB software R2021b, and sensitivity analysis for all parameters.</p>R. SuvethaK. RangarajanP. RajaduraiM. KaviyarasuMohammad Alqahtani
Copyright (c) 2025 R. Suvetha, K. Rangarajan, P. Rajadurai, M. Kaviyarasu, Mohammad Alqahtani
2025-02-142025-02-1423393910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-39Exploring Solutions to the Stochastic Fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation Influenced by Space-Time White Noise Using the Tanh-Coth Method
<p>This study investigates the stochastic fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation (SFZKE) influenced by space-time white noise, utilizing the conformable fractional derivative (CFD). The primary objective is to employ the Tanh-Coth method to derive soliton, wave, and periodic solutions for SFZKE under varying conditions of space-time white noise and fractional order. A broader spectrum of exact analytical solutions for the SFZKE has been achieved. Graphical representations are provided to highlight the physical properties of the obtained solutions. The Tanh-Coth method is demonstrated to be a reliable and effective approach for solving stochastic fractional partial differential equations.</p>Abaker A. Hassaballa
Copyright (c) 2025 Abaker A. Hassaballa
2025-02-142025-02-1423383810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-38Analysis of Nonlinear Hadamard Fractional Differential Inclusions via Measure of Noncompactness
<p>The goal of this paper is to consider a class of Hadamard fractional differential inclusions with three point integral boundary conditions. The proof is based on the set-valued analog of Mönch fixed point theorem combined with the technique of measures of noncompactness in order to establish the existence of at least one solution and an illustrative example is given to show the applicability of this obtained result. We also investigate some Filippov’s type results for this problem.</p>Habib DjourdemMohammed Ali AlghamdiElsayed Mohamed Elsayed
Copyright (c) 2025 Habib Djourdem, Mohammed Ali Alghamdi, Elsayed Mohamed Elsayed
2025-02-142025-02-1423373710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-37Robin Boundary Value Problems With Natural Growth Term in Variable Exponent Space
<p>The main purpose of this paper is to investigate a nonlinear elliptic problem with a natural growth term under Robin boundary conditions. Using approximation techniques and surjectivity criteria of an operator mapping from a Banach space into its dual, we prove the existence of a sequence of weakly approximated solutions and take its limit to establish the existence of a renormalized or entropy solution for the initial problem.</p>Boulaye YiraIbrahime KonatéMamadou Diop
Copyright (c) 2025 Boulaye Yira, Ibrahime Konaté, Mamadou Diop
2025-02-142025-02-1423363610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-36Decision-Making Regarding a Novel Bounded Exponentiated Weibull Mixture Model Is Applied to Certain Observed Data
<p>The exponentiated Weibull mixture model (EWMM) is the most frequently used probability distribution in the disciplines of reliability engineering and applied linguistics. Exponentiated Weibull distributions, on the other hand, are unbounded. A variety of applications digitalize the monitored data and have bounded service regions. Different types of double truncated Weibull mixture models (BEWMM) are discussed in this article. These include the double truncated exponential mixture model (BEMM), the double truncated Rayleigh mixture model (BRMM), the double truncated Weibull mixture model (BWMM), and the double truncated generalized exponential mixture model (BGEMM). By combining a mixture model and bounded support regions, we can create a model that is extremely scalable and can capture a variety of statistical properties of the results, such as mean behavior, distribution, form, and tail behavior. We propose an alternative method for evaluating the model parameters, which aims to maximize the upper bound on the data log-likelihood function. We evaluate the (BEWMM) execution using simulated and actual data.</p>Arafa O. MustafaNhla A. AbdalrahmanMalak S. S. HussainNazzik I. M. MohammedSalah H. AlshabhiMustafa M. MohammedMona MagzoubNidal E. TahaAwad A. Bakery
Copyright (c) 2025 Arafa O. Mustafa, Nhla A. Abdalrahman, Malak S. S. Hussain, Nazzik I. M. Mohammed, Salah H. Alshabhi, Mustafa M. Mohammed, Mona Magzoub, Nidal E. Taha, Awad A. Bakery
2025-02-032025-02-0323353510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-35Approximating Fixed Point of (α, β, γ)-Nonexpansive Mappings Using JK Iterative Scheme
<p>In this manuscript, we analyze the fixed point approximation of (α, β, γ)-nonexpansive mappings using the JK iteration scheme. To evaluate its efficiency, we perform a comparative analysis with other iterative schemes for (α, β, γ)-nonexpansive mappings. Additionally, we establish the convergence results for sequence generated by the JK iterative scheme. Our work generalizes several results from the existing literature.</p>Muhammad ArifMaggie AphaneKifayat UllahMaha NoorwaliBashir NawazHayat Ullah
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Arif, Maggie Aphane, Kifayat Ullah, Maha Noorwali, Bashir Nawaz, Hayat Ullah
2025-02-032025-02-0323343410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-34Energy Distribution Effect on Bremsstrahlung Radiation Produced by \(B_{11}^{5}\) and \(Al_{27}^{13}\)
<p>By using the Bethe-Heitler equation, this work determines the energy distribution of Bremsstrahlung radiation for \(B_{11}^{5}\) and \(Al_{27}^{13}\). We utilize the mathematical program "Mathematica" to contrast the electromagnetic impacts of photons resulting from interactions of electrons with boron and aluminum nuclei. We compare the effects of electric and magnetic cross-sections on the generation of Bremsstrahlung radiation. We will examine the impact of electric and magnetic fields on the production of Bremsstrahlung radiation using graphs. We also investigate the effect of atom mass on the emission of Bremsstrahlung radiation. According to our results, certain types of X-rays can be produced by using magnetic interactions.</p>R.J. AlmatrafiS.A. AlkhateebN.A. Almuallem
Copyright (c) 2025 R.J. Almatrafi, S.A. Alkhateeb, N.A. Almuallem
2025-02-032025-02-0323333310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-33Arithmetic Relation Between Family of Elliptic Curves Over Finite Field
<p>Let \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\) be a finite field, where \(q\) is an odd prime such that \(q>3\). Let \(f\left(t\right) =t^{3}-t\) \(\in \mathbb{F}_{q}\left[ t\right]\) be a polynomial of degree 3. For \(\lambda \neq 0\) in \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\), consider families of elliptic curves \(\left\{ E_{\lambda }\right\} _{\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{\ast}}\) and \(\left\{ H_{\lambda }\right\} _{\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{\ast }}\) defined respectively by<br />\[v^{2}=\lambda f(u)\text{ and }f\left( v\right) =\lambda f(u).\]<br />In this paper, I investigate the relation between the rational points over finite field on \(\left\{E_{\lambda }\left( \mathbb{F}_{q}\right) \right\}_{\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{\ast }}\) and \(\left\{ H_{\lambda }\left(\mathbb{F}_{q}\right) \right\} _{_{\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{\ast }}}\), and determine the number of rational points on both of these family of curves.</p>Haleemah Ghazwani
Copyright (c) 2025 Haleemah Ghazwani
2025-02-032025-02-0323323210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-32Some Statistical Estimations for Voting in Hough Transform
<p>Transform The Hough Transform (HT) is an essential method in detecting geometric shapes in images. In this work, we concentrate on enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the HT through the statistical estimation for the voting process in lines detection. We propose a statistical pattern detection method, which aims to introduce a new estimation of the polar angle θ of a detected line in an image and its radial distance r after estimating the slope and intercept of line of detection.</p>Sameer A. H. Al-SubhKamal A. Al Banawi
Copyright (c) 2025 Sameer A. H. Al-Subh, Kamal A. Al Banawi
2025-02-032025-02-0323313110.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-31Generation of Anti-Magic Graphs
<p>An anti-magic labeling of a graph G is a one-to-one correspondence between E(G) and {1, 2, · · ·, |E|} such that the vertex-sum for distinct vertices are different. Vertex-sum of a vertex u ∈ V(G) is the sum of labels assigned to edges incident to the vertex u. In this paper, we prove that the splittance of an anti-magic graph admits anti-magic labeling. It was conjectured by Hartsfield and Ringel that every tree other than K<sub>2</sub> has an anti-magic labeling. In this paper, we prove that there exists infinitely many trees that are anti-magic.</p>S. MuthukkumarK. Rajendran
Copyright (c) 2025 S. Muthukkumar, K. Rajendran
2025-02-032025-02-0323303010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-30Solution of Prey–Predator System by ADM
<p>A prey-predator system with an abundance of nutrients is considered. Utilizing Adomian decomposition method to numerate and approximate the solution of that governing system. Providing many examples to obtain some numerical simulation solutions and plot the results for the prey and predator populations versus time.</p>A. A. MoniemJ. Satouri
Copyright (c) 2025 A. A. Moniem, J. Satouri
2025-02-032025-02-0323292910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-29Neutrosophic Run Test for Randomness in Imprecise Data with Application
<p>The statistical tests have been applied under the assumption that the observations in the sample should be random. The existing run test for randomness is applied when no uncertainty is presented. In practice, when implementing the test, the uncertainty is always present and should be evaluated in implementing the statistical tests. In this paper, the modification of the existing run test for randomness is presented using the idea of neutrosophic statistics. The proposed neutrosophic run test for randomness will be applied when the decision-makers are uncertain about the level of significance, observations, and sample size. The application of the proposed test will be given using the data of women with HIV/AIDS. From HIV/AIDS Data, it is concluded that the presence of indeterminacy may affect the decision about the null hypothesis.</p>Muhammad AslamEid Sadun Alotaibi
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Aslam, Eid Sadun Alotaibi
2025-02-032025-02-0323282810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-28Flow Representation of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
<p>Using Constantin-Iyer representation also known more generally as Euler-Lagrangian approach, we prove the local existence of the Navier-Stokes equations in weighted Sobolev spaces with external forcing on R<sup>d</sup>, for any dimension d and p such that p>d≥2.</p>Sekson SirisubtaweeNaowarat ManitcharoenChukiat Saksurakan
Copyright (c) 2025 Sekson Sirisubtawee, Naowarat Manitcharoen, Chukiat Saksurakan
2025-01-272025-01-2723272710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-27A Computational Approach towards Fragment Based Drug Design and Analysis Using G = (V, E) Decomposition
<p>Objectives: To develop an efficient algorithm for decomposing arbitrary graphs into circuits and paths, thereby enabling a more comprehensive analysis of molecules for fragment-based drug design. Methods: We have devised Algorithm GD for decomposing any graph into its constituent circuits and paths. A MATLAB implementation of this algorithm was developed to generate the necessary outputs. Algorithm GD was applied to identify nonoverlapping fragments within drug molecules. Results: The MATLAB code’s performance was evaluated in terms of sample outputs and runtime calculations. Algorithm GD was successfully employed to determine the non-overlapping fragments of fungicides. Subsequently, the Wiener Index of these fragments was calculated. Conclusion: A regression equation was established between the graph Wiener Index estimated from non-overlapping fragments and log KOC values. This model can be utilized to predict the log KOC values of fungicides without the need for experimental setups, thereby streamlining the drug discovery process.</p>M. SivasankariM. Yamuna
Copyright (c) 2025 M. Sivasankari, M. Yamuna
2025-01-272025-01-2723262610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-26New Type of Fuzzy Algebra Structure Setting Complex Bipolar Neutrosophic Sets of Bisemirings
<p>The notion of complex bipolar neutrosophic subbisemirings (CBNSBSs) is constructed and analyzed. We examine the significant characteristics and homomorphic features of CBNSBSs. We propose the CBNSBS level sets for bisemirings. Suppose that \(\Bbbk\) is a subset of \(\mathfrak{S}\). Then \(R = \left( {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{T^{-}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{T^{-}}}}},\ {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{I^{-}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{I^{-}}}}},\ {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{F^{-}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{F^{-}}}}},\ {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{T^{+}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{T^{+}}}}},\ {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{I^{+}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{I^{+}}}}},\ {\complement_{\Bbbk}^{{F^{+}}}} \cdot e^{i\omega {\Finv_{\Bbbk}^{{F^{+}}}}}\right)\) is a CBNSBS of \(\mathfrak{S}\) if and only if \({\complement^{(\hslash_{1},\hslash_{2})}}\) is a subbisemiring (SBS) of \(\mathfrak{S}\) for all \((\hslash_{1},\hslash_{2}) \in [-1,0] \times [0,1]\). It is demonstrated that all CBNSBSs have homomorphic images, and all CBNSBSs have homomorphic pre-images. Examples are provided to show how our findings are used.</p>M. PalanikumarT.T. RamanAiyared Iampan
Copyright (c) 2025 M. Palanikumar, T.T. Raman, Aiyared Iampan
2025-01-272025-01-2723252510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-25Exploring the Difference Paralindelöf in Topological Spaces
<p>This study investigates emerging concepts for defining and categorizing topological spaces based on various features. Paralindelöf spaces are one such idea that is required to understand the compactness and covering features of topological spaces. This study is the first to introduce D-paralindelöf spaces, a novel type of topological space defined combining D-sets and paralindelöf spaces. The study's goal is to offer precise definitions for paralindelöf spaces and D-paralindelöf spaces, while also investigating their properties and linkages with other forms of topological spaces. The study contains various theoretical conclusions, definitions, and features that are rigorously proven by extending previous theorems on paralindelöf spaces. It is further backed by extensive illustrative examples.</p>Ali A. AtoomRahmeh AlrababahMaryam AlholiHamza QoqazehAbeer AlnanaDiana Amin Mahmoud
Copyright (c) 2025 Ali A. Atoom, Rahmeh Alrababah, Maryam Alholi, Hamza Qoqazeh, Abeer Alnana, Diana Amin Mahmoud
2025-01-272025-01-2723242410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-24A p-Laplacian Elliptic System with Strongly Coupled Critical Terms and Concave-Convex Nonlinearities
<p>The main purpose of this paper is to establish some results on positive solutions for a p-Laplacian elliptic system with strongly coupled critical terms and concave nonlinearities. With the technique of variational method, namely Nehari manifold and Palais-Smale condition we show that there are at least two nontrivial solutions for our problem.</p>Mohamed HatimiRachid Echarghaoui
Copyright (c) 2025 Mohamed Hatimi, Rachid Echarghaoui
2025-01-272025-01-2723232310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-23An Efficient Numerical Technique for Solving the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers Equation
<p>Nonlinear partial differential equations, such as the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation (KDVB), receive extensive study in a multitude of fields of engineering and physics. This study presents the Variational Homotopy Perturbation Method (VHPM) as a robust numerical technique for approximating solutions to the KDVB equation. The technique integrates the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) with the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), providing an efficient solution without requiring the discretization or linearization of the equation. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is demonstrated through various problems, with the accuracy of the method being assessed using absolute errors in the and error norms. The results indicate that the proposed method is straightforward to implement and provides superior outcomes compared to the existing schemes documented in the literature. This study offers a substantial contribution to the advancement of numerical techniques for solving nonlinear partial differential equations, providing beneficial applications across diverse scientific and engineering fields.</p>Ahmad AlalyaniDilveen M. AhmedBewar A. Mahmood
Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Alalyani, Dilveen M. Ahmed, Bewar A. Mahmood
2025-01-272025-01-2723222210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-22On Functional Equation Mixed q-Fractional Integral and Fractional Derivative with q-Integral Condition
<p>This paper examines the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the mixed q-fractional integral and fractional derivative with q-integral condition nonlocal problem of the functional integro-differential equation. Moreover, we establish the problem’s Hyers-Ulam stability. The solution’s continuous dependence will be examined. We’ll provide an example to illustrate the findings.</p>Reda Gamal AhmedAhmed M. A. El-SayedMuhanna Ali H. Alrashdi
Copyright (c) 2025 Reda Gamal Ahmed, Ahmed M. A. El-Sayed, Muhanna Ali H. Alrashdi
2025-01-272025-01-2723212110.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-21Business Process Improvement (BPI) for Evaluation and Improvement of Business Processes
<p>The automotive parts industry currently faces a number of challenges such as production delays, inventory management issues, and inefficient distribution, which impact operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. To address these inefficiencies, the proposed solution is the application of Business Process Improvement (BPI) principles. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of BPI in evaluating and improving business processes. The research method uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach is done by modeling and simulation to analyze the current business process conditions. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach was used to identify the main challenges faced by the industry. Data was collected through literature review and observation, and then analyzed through a simulation process to draw conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of BPI principles using Bizagi Modeler was well received and smoothly integrated into the existing workflow, without causing significant disruptions or unexpected problems. Based on the existing business process conditions, the application of Bizagi Modeler successfully identified the main challenges hindering management efficiency as well as provided recommendations for improving business processes based on the simulation results of the most optimized scenario which could reducing cycle time by 20% and improving collaboration between production, logistics, and QA teams, which can reduce coordination delays by 30%.</p>Stephanie TanudjajaBachtiar H. Simamora
Copyright (c) 2025 Stephanie Tanudjaja, Bachtiar H. Simamora
2025-01-272025-01-2723202010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-20K-Frames in Super Hilbert C∗-Modules
<p>In this paper, we study the theory of K-frames in super Hilbert C∗-modules. We introduce the concept of super Hilbert modules as direct sums of Hilbert C∗-modules and explore how frames and K-frames can be defined and characterized within this framework. Our main results provide new characterizations of K-frames in super Hilbert C∗-modules, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions under which sequences in super Hilbert C∗-modules form K-frames. Additionally, we investigate the relationships between K-frames, minimal frames, and orthonormal bases, offering several propositions and illustrative examples. These findings extend the existing frame theory in Hilbert spaces to the richer structure of Hilbert C∗-modules, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of operator theory and functional analysis in the context of C∗-algebras.</p>Abdellatif LfounouneRoumaissae El Jazzar
Copyright (c) 2025 Abdellatif Lfounoune, Roumaissae El Jazzar
2025-01-272025-01-2723191910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-19A Comparative Study of Traditional Statistical Methods and Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Predictive Models
<p>The financial sector has undergone a major transformation through the incorporation of machine learning (ML) techniques, improving decision-making and predictive accuracy. This research explores the application of several ML algorithms to a dataset of historical stock prices to forecast future price movements. We conduct a comparative analysis of traditional models, including linear regression, and advanced ML techniques, including random forests, decision trees, and approaches like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our analysis reveals that while traditional models establish a baseline, advanced techniques substantially outperform them regarding accuracy and reliability. This research also emphasizes the ethical challenges of using machine learning in finance, particularly in terms of model interpretability and data privacy.</p>Bader S Alanazi
Copyright (c) 2025 Bader S Alanazi
2025-01-272025-01-2723181810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-18Restarted Shooting Method Applied to Jeffery-Hamel Flow Problem
<p>In the current manuscript, an efficient numerical method based on coupling the restarted decomposition method and the shooting method has been implemented to tackle the nonlinear differential equation that describes blood flow in human arteries. A complete outline of the coupled method has been provided and further utilized on the generalized Jeffery-Hamel blood flow problem. In addition, the acquired computational results are contrasted with the numerical results of other computational approaches. Lastly, the efficacy of the devised numerical method is confirmed by the maximum error remainder and is reported through comparison tables and figures.</p>Nawal AlzaidKholoud AlzahraniHuda Bakodah
Copyright (c) 2025 Nawal Alzaid, Kholoud Alzahrani, Huda Bakodah
2025-01-202025-01-2023171710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-17Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Exponential Distribution
<p>The concept of p-th upper record value was introduced by Dziubdziela and Kopocinski [5]. Estimation of the location and scale parameters of the Lomax exponential (LE) distribution are obtained based on generalized record values. The best linear unbiased methods of estimation are used for this purposes.</p>Nayabuddin
Copyright (c) 2025 Nayabuddin
2025-01-202025-01-2023161610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-16Central Limit Theorem for Markov Chains with Variable Memory via the Chen-Stein Method
<p>In this paper, we studied Markov chains of variable length and the convergence of persistent walk.We, also, looked at the rate of convergence of such process. We also provide the use of variable-memory stochastic chains in risk models.</p>Victorien KonanéClaude YaméogoWahabo Baguian
Copyright (c) 2025 Victorien Konané, Claude Yaméogo, Wahabo Baguian
2025-01-202025-01-2023151510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-15Almost Nearly (τ1, τ2)-Continuous Functions
<p>This paper presents a new class of functions called almost nearly (τ<sub>1</sub>, τ<sub>2</sub>)-continuous functions. Furthermore, several characterizations and some properties concerning almost nearly (τ1, τ2)-continuous functions are discussed.</p>Butsakorn Kong-iedAreeyuth Sama-AeChawalit Boonpok
Copyright (c) 2025 Butsakorn Kong-ied, Areeyuth Sama-Ae, Chawalit Boonpok
2025-01-202025-01-2023141410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-14Chaos, Fractals and Bifurcation in Real Dynamics of Two-Parameter Family Associated to Logarithmic Functions
<p>The purpose of this article is to provide bifurcation diagrams and observe chaotic behaviour in the real dynamics of two-parameter family of function \(\Phi(x)=x+(1-\lambda x)\ln(ax): x>0, \lambda>0, a>0\). We consider here parameter a is a positive and continuous real parameter while λ is positive but a discrete real parameter. The dynamical properties of this nonlinear system family analyze numerically as well as graphically by using fixed point iterative method. Bifurcation diagrams for the real dynamics of the function are plotted by varying the values of the parameter which are fractals in nature. Also, we show that chaos exists in the dynamics of the function by looking at period-doubling in the bifurcation diagram. Further, chaotic behaviour studies by simulation of the positive Lyapunov exponents which observe by varying the parameters similar to the bifurcation diagrams.</p>Shaurya Pratap SinghMohammad Sajid
Copyright (c) 2025 Shaurya Pratap Singh, Mohammad Sajid
2025-01-142025-01-1423131310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-13Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Drug Consumption Dynamics in Burkina Faso
<p>In this paper a mathematical model of drug consumption dynamics is proposed and analyzed. The model is based on the principle of the epidemiological model and takes into account the biological and environmental factors of exposed individuals, treatment and sensitization. The Jacobian determinant method is used to determine the basic reproduction function R<sub>0</sub> of the model. The drug-free equilibrium points and the endemic equilibrium of the model were then identified, and their stabilities were analyzed based on the value of R<sub>0</sub>. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess which parameters have the greatest influence on the dynamics of drug consumption. The numerical simulation was carried out using data from the Burkinabe population in 2020, aged between 11 and 65 years. The numerical results show that sensitization and treatment do not have much effect if the individual evolves in a favorable environment.</p>Pegdwindé Ousséni Fabrice OuédraogoYamba Malick SiemdeWenddabo Olivier SawadogoAdama Kiemtoré
Copyright (c) 2025 Pegdwindé Ousséni Fabrice Ouédraogo, Yamba Malick Siemde, Wenddabo Olivier Sawadogo, Adama Kiemtoré
2025-01-142025-01-1423121210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-12Positive Implicative Hyper BCK-Ideals of Hyper BCK-Algebras Under an Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment
<p>This paper contains some new theorems related to hyper BCK-ideals positive implicative hyper BCK-ideals of types-1, 2, 3, 4 of hyper BCK-algebras (HBCKA) under an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Henceforth, the connection between these ideas and their relevant characteristics is discussed.</p>D. RameshR. Durga PrasadSheke BajiAiyared IampanB. Satyanarayana
Copyright (c) 2025 D. Ramesh, R. Durga Prasad, Sheke Baji, Aiyared Iampan, B. Satyanarayana
2025-01-142025-01-1423111110.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-11Another Updated Parameter for the Hestenes-Stiefel Conjugate Gradient Method
<p>The conjugate gradient (CG) methods are considered as one of the most popular methods for solving linear and non-linear unconstrained optimization problems, especially the problems of large-scale, that is because they are characterized by low memory requirements and strong local and global convergence properties. The method of Hestenes-Stiefel (HS) usually gives good numerical results in the practical computation. However, theoretically, its convergence properties are uncertain. To address the convergence failure of HS method, many choices for its update parameter have been proposed such as the choice of Gilbert and Nocedal in 1992, of Hager and Zhang in 2005, and of Yousif et al. in 2022. In this paper, motivated by these updated parameters, we propose another updated parameter for HS, and hence another CG method which inherits all the convergence properties of Gilbert and Nocedal, Hager and Zhang, and of Yousif et al. and has better numerical results. To show the efficiency and robustness of the new modified method in practice, a numerical experiment was done.</p>Osman Omer Osman YousifRaouf ZiadiMohammed A. SalehAbdulgader Z. Almaymuni
Copyright (c) 2025 Osman Omer Osman Yousif, Raouf Ziadi, Mohammed A. Saleh, Abdulgader Z. Almaymuni
2025-01-142025-01-1423101010.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-10Complex Fuzzy Dynamical Graphs and their Applications in Signals Processing
<p>In this paper we introduce the concepts of complex fuzzy dynamic graphs, complex fuzzy diagonal matrices and complex fuzzy Laplacian matrices. We use these graphs and their laplacian matrices as mathematical framework for applications in Sciences, especially signals processing. We define absolute average eigenvalues of the Complex Laplacian matrices and explore the properties of these matrices with their eigenvalues. We develop an algorithm using the absolute eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrices and apply this algorithm to signal and systems. Our study begins by establishing the theoretical foundation of complex fuzzy dynamic graphs, highlighting their role to model within dynamic systems including two dimensional uncertainties. We investigates the complex fuzzy Laplacian matrices obtain from these graphs. Our main focus is on the absolute eigenvalues of these matrices, which hold a vital role into the graph’s structural characteristics and behavior. In the context of signals processing, the research demonstrates how these absolute eigenvalues serve as essential matrices for system characterization. This study presents novel methods to analyze signals on complex fuzzy dynamic graphs. These methods are particularly relevant in scenarios where signals are influenced by dynamic and uncertain environments.</p>Saima AnisMadad KhanMuhammad MazharMuhammad NaveedKostaq Hila
Copyright (c) 2025 Saima Anis, Madad Khan, Muhammad Mazhar, Muhammad Naveed, Kostaq Hila
2025-01-142025-01-14239910.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-9Determinants of Digital Payment Intensity in the MENA Region: A Panel Data Analysis
<p>The rise of digital payments, particularly during the 2020 lockdown, underscores the growing significance of fintech, valued at over USD 127 billion globally. However, studies on factors influencing digital payment utilization remain limited. This study analyzes determinants of digital payment intensity in the MENA region, using data from 13 countries (2011-2021) sourced from the World Bank. Panel data analysis revealed that the percentage of accounts and deposits in financial institutions positively impacts digital payments, while household savings negatively influence them. Conversely, digital payments received are positively affected by accounts, deposits, retirement savings, and borrowing levels, but negatively influenced by household savings and entrepreneurial savings. The study concluded that the factors affecting digital payments received are both cross-sectional and time-fixed, while those affecting payments made are random.</p>Mary Benitta RaniMark P. DoblasStephen ChellakanRandolf Von N. Salindo
Copyright (c) 2025 Mary Benitta Rani, Mark P. Doblas, Stephen Chellakan, Randolf Von N. Salindo
2025-01-022025-01-02238810.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-8The Coeffisients of the Spline Minimizing Semi Norm in K2(P3)
<p>Our goal is to construct an approximation of the unknown function f by Sobolev’s method, we construct an approximation form of unknown function by interpolation splines minimizing the semi norm in K2(P3) Hilbert space. Explicit formulas for coefficients of the interpolation splines are obtained. The resulting interpolation spline is exact for the hyperbolic functions and constant. In the last section, we obtain several absolute errors graph in interpolating functions with the sixth order algebraic-hyperbolic spline, and we compare absolute errors of cubic spline and algebraic-hyperbolic in interpolating several functions. Numerical results show that the sixth-order spline interpolates the functions with higher accuracy than the cubic spline.</p>A.R. HayotovF.A. NuralievG.Sh. Abdullaeva
Copyright (c) 2025 A.R. Hayotov, F.A. Nuraliev, G.Sh. Abdullaeva
2025-01-022025-01-02237710.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-7Remarks on Cauchy-Riemann Structure
<p>The present paper deals with Cauchy-Riemann structure (CR structure) satisfying relation \(F^{2\nu+3}+\lambda^rF^2=0\). Certain results with CR structure on distributions, mathematical operators, integrabitity condtions satisfying the above structure are established.</p>Mohit SaxenaManisha M. KankarejMohammad Nazrul Islam Khan
Copyright (c) 2025 Mohit Saxena, Manisha M. Kankarej, Mohammad Nazrul Islam Khan
2025-01-022025-01-02236610.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-6Bipolar Fuzzy Quasi-Ideals in Γ-Semirings: A Study
<p>This paper investigates bipolar fuzzy quasi-ideals in the context of Γ-semirings, offering new insights into their structural properties. Our results reveal that bipolar fuzzy quasi-ideals serve as a generalization of bipolar fuzzy ideals, while bipolar fuzzy bi-ideals extend this framework further. We also establish that in regular Γ-semirings, the two concepts coincide, leading to a unified interpretation. Notably, the intersection of a bipolar fuzzy right ideal and a bipolar fuzzy left ideal forms a bipolar fuzzy quasi-ideal, highlighting key properties that deepen our understanding of ideal structures in Γ-semirings.</p>Madhulatha ParvathamYella BhargaviAiyared Iampan
Copyright (c) 2025 Madhulatha Parvatham, Yella Bhargavi, Aiyared Iampan
2025-01-022025-01-02235510.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-5The Interaction Model of Digitalization and Financial Inclusion: A Bayesian Analysis of Its Role in Economic Growth
<p>This study aims to analyze the impact of digitalization and financial inclusion on economic growth in the ASEAN-6 countries, with a particular highlight on the interaction between these two factors. This research topic is compelling, as most previous studies have examined the individual effect of either digitalization or financial inclusion on economic growth, lacking empirical evidence on their interactive impact. The author utilizes a Bayesian approach to estimate the research model, providing a clearer understanding of the extent and probability of each variable's effect. The findings reveal that economic growth in the ASEAN-6 countries is positively influenced not only by digitalization and financial inclusion individually but also by their significant interaction. Additionally, economic growth is notably affected by population growth and inflation. These findings offer a reliable foundation for the ASEAN-6 countries to identify appropriate policies that foster digitalization coupled with financial inclusion, thereby promoting economic growth.</p>Ngoc Toan Bui
Copyright (c) 2025 Ngoc Toan Bui
2025-01-022025-01-02234410.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-4Behavioral Intentions in Cashless: The Role of Green Finance Perception in the Vietnamese Market
<p>The present research investigates consumers' behavioral intention towards cashless modes of payment in Vietnam with mediating factors such as green finance perception. Based on the theory of planned behavior and perceived benefits the study seeks to compare functional, economic, psychological and social benefits as factors influencing attitude, self-control beliefs and subjective norms, towards acceptance of cashless systems. The present study engaged a survey of 355 respondents and offered a measurement model and analysis results of the relation between the variables following the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that attitude and behavioral control are the predictors of intention with significant influence, while green finance moderates the relationship between attitude and subjective norms to intention, but not behavioral control. Such findings suggest that publicizing the utilitarian and environmental advantages of cashless payment should be pursued. Finally, the study recommends that there should be specific marketing promotion to ensure that more people embrace green finance with the investigations being extended across people of different categories to increase efficiency.</p>Ninh Van NguyenThi Lan Phuong DangNguyen Thanh Phuong
Copyright (c) 2025 Ninh Van Nguyen, Thi Lan Phuong Dang, Nguyen Thanh Phuong
2025-01-022025-01-02233310.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-3Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth: The Moderating Role of Corruption
<p>This study examines the relationships among a nation's innovation capability, entrepreneurship, and economic growth and investigates the corruption level's impact on those relationships. Based on 2022 data of 44 counties from the Global Innovation Index (GII), Gross domestic product (GDP), Total early-stage entrepreneurial activity (TEA), and the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), obtained from the World Intellectual Property Organization, World Bank, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, and Transparency International, a multiple regression analysis was used to examine the causal relationship between innovation capability, entrepreneurial climate, and economic growth. The results showed that a nation's innovation capacity significantly positively affects the growth of economies. On the one hand, the result found that entrepreneurship is negatively associated with economic growth. This can imply that a significant portion of entrepreneurship in the analyzed countries may be necessity-driven rather than opportunity-driven. Additionally, the study found that corruption moderates the relationship between a nation's innovation capacity and economic growth, such that higher levels of corruption weaken the positive impact of innovation capacity toward economic growth but are not found to significantly moderate the relationship between entrepreneurship and the growth of nation economies. These findings emphasize the significance of addressing corruption to exploit the advantages of innovation capacity for economic growth. Policymakers should focus on improving the entrepreneurial ecosystem to promote opportunity-driven ventures that foster innovation and contribute to long-term economic development. This work is among the few to discover nationally the compound interplay between innovation, entrepreneurship, and corruption. It offers useful insights for policymakers who seek to promote economic growth by improving governance and creating a favorable climate for entrepreneurs.</p>Suchart TripopsakulWilert Puriwat
Copyright (c) 2025 Suchart Tripopsakul, Wilert Puriwat
2025-01-022025-01-02232210.28924/2291-8639-23-2025-2Difference Cesáro Function Space on Rooted Tree Defined by Musielak-Orlicz Function
<p>This paper aims to investigate the algebraic and topological properties of a newly constructed difference function space on a rooted tree defined by Musielak-Orlicz function.</p>Anas Faiz AlsaedySalah H. AlshabhiVivek KumarMohammed N. AlshehriSunil K. SharmaMustafa M. MohammedRunda A. A. BashirNidal E. TahaAwad A. Bakery
Copyright (c) 2025 Anas Faiz Alsaedy, Salah H. Alshabhi, Vivek Kumar, Mohammed N. Alshehri, Sunil K. Sharma, Mustafa M. Mohammed, Runda A. A. Bashir, Nidal E. Taha, Awad A. Bakery