*-Conformal η-Ricci Solitons on α-Cosymplectic Manifolds

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Abdul Haseeb, D. G. Prakasha, H. Harish


The object of this paper is to study *-conformal η-Ricci solitons on α-cosymplectic manifolds. First, α-cosymplectic manifolds admitting *-conformal η-Ricci solitons satisfying the conditions R(ξ, .) · S and S(ξ, .) · R = 0 are being studied. Further, α-cosymplectic manifolds admitting *-conformal η-Ricci solitons satisfying certain conditions on the M-projective curvature tensor are being considered and obtained several interesting results. Among others it is proved that a φ - M-projeectively semisymmetric α-cosymplectic manifold admitting a *-conformal η-Ricci soliton is an Einstein manifold. Finally, the existence of *-conformal η-Ricci soliton in an α-cosymplectic manifolds has been proved by a concrete example.

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