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International Journal of Analysis and Applications is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles in all areas of analysis and its applications.
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Abstract harmonic analysis; Clifford analysis; Complex analysis; Computable analysis; Control and optimization; Convex analysis; Difference equations; Differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fourier analysis; Functional analysis; Inequalities; Geometric analysis; Mathematical biology; Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis; Multivariate analysis; Nonlinear functional analysis; Numerical analysis; Numerical methods in Fourier analysis; Operator theory; p-adic analysis; Partial differential equations; Real analysis; Stochastic analysis; Tropical analysis and all the other fields of their applications. 

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Geometry of Certain Almost Conformal Metrics in f(R)-Gravity

Rajendra Prasad, Abhinav Verma, Mohd Bilal, Abdul Haseeb, Vindhyachal Singh Yadav

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 76

Results on Common Fixed Points in Strong-Composed-Cone Metric Spaces

Anas A. Hijab, Laith K. Shaakir, Sarah Aljohani, Nabil Mlaiki

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 75

Modelling Extreme Rainfall using Extended Generalized Extreme Value Distribution

N. Deetae, P. Khamrot, K. Jampachaisri

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 73

A Novel Concept of Bipolar Fuzzy Sets in UP (BCC)-Algebras: Bipolar Fuzzy Implicative UP (BCC)-Filters

Thiti Gaketem, Pannawit Khamrot, Pongpun Julatha, Rukchart Prasertpong, Aiyared Iampan

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 71

Possibility Fermatean Interval Valued Fuzzy Soft Set and Their Application to Decision Making Framework

Ghulam Muhiuddin, Mohamed E. Elnair, ELsiddig Idriss Mohamed, Sivakumar Pushparaj, Hussein Eledum, Hussein Eledum, M. Palanikumar

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 70

Derivations of Bd-Algebras were Constructed into Semigroups

Warud Nakkhasen, Jiratchaya Panyachanawong, Natthinan Khambai, Teerapan Jodnok

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 69

Hyers-Ulam Stability of Quartic Functional Equation in IFN-Spaces and 2-Banach Spaces by Classical Methods

Gowri Senthil, N. Vijaya, S. Gayathri, P. Vijayalakshmi, M. Balamurugan, S. Karthikeyan

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 68

New Modified Estimators for the Spatial Lag Model with Randomly Missing Data in Dependent Variable: Methods and Simulation Study

Mohamed R. Abonazel, Ohood A. Shalaby, Ahmed H. Youssef

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 67

A Quantum-Corrected Chaotic System for Strengthening Schnorr and Elgamal Signatures to Optimize Key Generation and Performance

Hadeel Moutaz Al-dabbas, Ahmed M. Ajaj, Nadia M. G. Al-Saidi, Nawres A. Alwan, Wageda I. El Sobky

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 65

Sum of g-Frames in Hilbert C∗-Modules

Abdellatif Lfounoune, Hafida Massit, Abdelilah Karara, Mohamed Rossafi

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 64

A Study on Multi-Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Their Application in Ordered Semigroups

Krittika Linesawat, Somsak Lekkoksung

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 63

A New Derivation of Extended Watson Summation Theorem Due to Kim et al. with an Application

Mohamed M. Awad, Asmaa O. Mohammed

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 62

Analyzing Food Purchasing Behavior Helps Improve Consumers' Health on E-Commerce Platforms in Viet Nam

Nguyen Thi Phuong Giang, Nguyen Binh Phuong Duy, Phan Tran Ha My, Chu Hue Nhi, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tuyet, Huynh Nhat Hao, Thai Dong Tan

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 61

Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined by Miller-Ross-Type Poisson Distribution Series

Chandrasekharan Nataraj, Mukil Alagirisamy, H. Niranjan, P. Thirupathi Reddy, B. Venkateswarlu

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 60

Characterizations of Quasi \(\theta(\tau_1,\tau_2)\)-Continuous Multifunctions

Prapart Pue-on, Areeyuth Sama-Ae, Chawalit Boonpok

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 59

Three Step Hybrid Block Method with Two Generalized Off-step Points for Directly Solving Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Raft Abdelrahim, Abdelgabar Adam Hassan, Hamdy M. Barakat, Mohammad S. Hijazi

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 58

Fractional Order Delay Differential Equation Constrained by Nonlocal and Weighted Delay Integral Equations

A.M.A. El-Sayed, W.G. El-Sayed, Kheria M. Msaik, Hanaa R. Ebead

Int. J. Anal. Appl., 23 (2025), 57

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