Prioritizing Factors of Organizational Cultural Model in Electronic Enterprises

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Luc Manh Hien, Nguyen Quang Vinh


This study aims to investigate the priority order of organizational cultural factors affecting the competitiveness of electronic enterprises. The methodology adopted for this research comprises the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method. Data collection was sent to 15 experts, including university scientists, government regulators, and managers of electronic enterprises. The results revealed that the first ranking belongs to the involvement factor, the second-ranked factor is a mission, and the third position is consistency and adaptability.  The results showed that experts' top three indicators of influential competitiveness ratings included core values, customer focus, and vision. Meanwhile, the three lowest-rated factors include agreement, organizational learning, coordination, and integration. This research's practical and theoretical implications are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in organizational culture in electronic enterprises.

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