Business Process Improvement (BPI) for Evaluation and Improvement of Business Processes

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Stephanie Tanudjaja, Bachtiar H. Simamora


The automotive parts industry currently faces a number of challenges such as production delays, inventory management issues, and inefficient distribution, which impact operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. To address these inefficiencies, the proposed solution is the application of Business Process Improvement (BPI) principles. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of BPI in evaluating and improving business processes. The research method uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach is done by modeling and simulation to analyze the current business process conditions. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach was used to identify the main challenges faced by the industry. Data was collected through literature review and observation, and then analyzed through a simulation process to draw conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of BPI principles using Bizagi Modeler was well received and smoothly integrated into the existing workflow, without causing significant disruptions or unexpected problems. Based on the existing business process conditions, the application of Bizagi Modeler successfully identified the main challenges hindering management efficiency as well as provided recommendations for improving business processes based on the simulation results of the most optimized scenario which could reducing cycle time by 20% and improving collaboration between production, logistics, and QA teams, which can reduce coordination delays by 30%.

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