Factors Affecting Reconsumption Intention in Herbal Medicine: Evidence from Indonesia

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Elizabeth, Margono, Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein


This study aims to investigate the mediating role of customer engagement on the effect of trust on reconsumption intention. This study was conducted on herbal medicine consumers in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach involving 425 herbal consumers in Indonesia with purposive sampling techniques using criteria who are 18 years old and have consumed herbal medicine at least 2 times in the past month. Data analysis using covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) using AMOS application. The study found that trust had no significant effect on reconsumption intention. Customer engagement has a significant effect on reconsumption intention. Trust has a significant effect on customer engagement. Then, customer engagement acts as a complete mediation on the influence of trust on reconsumption intention in herbal medicine consumers in Indonesia. These results suggest marketers need to pay attention to engagement to increase reconsumption intention using consumer trust.

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