Predicting Indonesia’s Urban Heritage Tourist Loyalty: The Impact of Memorable Tourism Experience, Cultural Destination Image, and Cultural Motivation

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Yesiana Ihda Kusnayain, Ananda Sabil Hussein


The rich tapestry of Indonesian culture, with its multifaceted and diverse expressions, exerts a significant influence on the nation's tourist industry. Recognizing this, the integration of cultural heritage into tourism development has become a central pillar of national strategies aimed at boosting tourism revenue and strengthening the national economy. This study aims to elucidate the interconnected relationship between memorable tourism experiences, cultural destination image, and cultural motivation in influencing tourist loyalty within the context of Indonesia's urban heritage tourism. This research employs the structural equation modelling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) approach, utilizing SmartPLS 4.0 software for data analysis. The main findings of this study confirmed that memorable tourism experiences could encourage tourist loyalty in Indonesia's urban heritage. Moreover, the study emphasises the essential contribution of cultural motivation in driving tourist loyalty. This study holds significant managerial implication, this research will give several pictures like how to attract the tourism through tourist experience features.

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