The Dynamic Roles of Government, Higher Education, Large Enterprises, and Communities in SME Collaboration: Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Innovation Exchange

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Sunday Noya, Armanu Thoyib, Risna Wijayanti, Ananda Sabil Hussein


This study examines the impact of SMEs' multidimensional strategic collaboration with government agencies, higher education institutions, large enterprises, and SME communities on performance, with inter-organizational knowledge exchange and innovation as mediating factors. Utilizing data from 411 managers of food and beverage SMEs in the Greater Malang Area, Indonesia, the research employs structural equation modelling through WarpPLS to assess the relationships among four key constructs: SME multidimensional strategic collaboration, inter-SME knowledge exchange, inter-SME innovation, and SME performance. The findings reveal that collaboration with government entities has the most significant direct and mediated effects on performance, while partnerships with universities and large enterprises produce more conditional results, depending on the SMEs' capacity to absorb and apply external knowledge and innovations. Additionally, collaboration with SME communities has a meaningful impact on knowledge exchange, which partially mediates performance outcomes, highlighting the value of peer-to-peer learning and shared experiences within SME networks.

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