Energy Distribution Effect on Bremsstrahlung Radiation Produced by \(B_{11}^{5}\) and \(Al_{27}^{13}\)

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R.J. Almatrafi, S.A. Alkhateeb, N.A. Almuallem


By using the Bethe-Heitler equation, this work determines the energy distribution of Bremsstrahlung radiation for \(B_{11}^{5}\) and \(Al_{27}^{13}\). We utilize the mathematical program "Mathematica" to contrast the electromagnetic impacts of photons resulting from interactions of electrons with boron and aluminum nuclei. We compare the effects of electric and magnetic cross-sections on the generation of Bremsstrahlung radiation. We will examine the impact of electric and magnetic fields on the production of Bremsstrahlung radiation using graphs. We also investigate the effect of atom mass on the emission of Bremsstrahlung radiation. According to our results, certain types of X-rays can be produced by using magnetic interactions.

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