Analyzing Food Purchasing Behavior Helps Improve Consumers' Health on E-Commerce Platforms in Viet Nam
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The project aims to understand and analyze the factors influencing food buying behavior to help improve consumers' health on e-commerce platforms. As life gets busier, consumers tend to search for and choose healthy food products online. Understanding this shopping behavior will help businesses and product suppliers on the e-commerce platform better orient their business strategies. This study combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Based on data collected from a survey of 400 people, the data was analyzed using SmartPLS 4 software. The collected results are processed through 3 steps: descriptive statistics, measurement model testing, and structural model testing. This study analyzes food buying behavior that helps improve consumers' health on e-commerce platforms. The study results are expected to help identify the main factors affecting purchasing decisions, thereby providing business strategy recommendations for businesses and promoting online healthy food consumption.
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