Social Norms, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Moderating Roles of Education, Risk Tolerance, and Innovation Orientation
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Young people play an increasingly prominent role in economic activity, yet limited research investigates the factors shaping their entrepreneurial intentions, particularly in emerging economies. This study examines the relationships among perceived social norms (PSN), attitudes toward entrepreneurship (ATE), and self-efficacy (SNR) in influencing entrepreneurial intentions (EI) among youth. It also explores the moderating roles of entrepreneurial education (EE), risk tolerance (RT), and innovation orientation (IO) in these relationships. A quantitative research methodology was employed, utilizing an online questionnaire to collect data from 211 Thai university students. Findings reveal that PSN, ATE, and SNR significantly influence EI, with ATE emerging as the most critical factor, demonstrating the role of positive perceptions of entrepreneurship as a viable career path in enhancing intentions. Moderation analyses indicate that entrepreneurial education strengthens the relationship between PSN and EI, and risk tolerance amplifies the impact of SNR on EI. However, the moderating effect of innovation orientation on the relationship between ATE and EI was not supported. These findings highlight the importance of education and individual characteristics, such as risk tolerance, in shaping entrepreneurial intentions while indicating limits to innovation orientation's role in this context. This study provides actionable insights for educators, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to foster entrepreneurial activity among youth in emerging economies, emphasizing the need for targeted educational initiatives and supportive environments to cultivate entrepreneurial skills, confidence, and attitudes.
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