Some Algebraic Characteristics of Bipolar-Valued Fuzzy Subgroups over a Certain Averaging Operator and Its Application in Multi-Criteria Decision Making
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In this manuscript, we introduce the concepts of ψ-bipolar-valued fuzzy set (ψ-BVFS), ψ-bipolar-valued fuzzy normal subgroup (ψ-BVFNSG), cut sets Mψ(υ,χ)(Cυ,χMψ)) of ψ-BVFS and ψ-BVFSG, and bipolar-valued fuzzy cosets (BVF cosets). Further, we explore some algebraic properties of newly defined ψ-BVFSG. In addition, we present some new results of homomorphism and quotient group of ψ-BVFSG. At the end, we provide an application of ψ-BVFS in decision making by using topsis method.
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