Characterization of Different Prime Bi-Ideals and Its Generalization of Semirings

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M. Palanikumar, G. Mohanraj, Aiyared Iampan


We introduce three sequences of different prime bi-ideals of semirings such that 11(12,13)-prime bi-ideal, 21(22)-prime bi-ideal and 31(32,33)-prime bi-ideal using bi-ideals. In this article, we characterize the different prime bi-ideals. We discuss that the 11-prime bi-ideal implies the 12-prime bi-ideal implies the 13-prime bi-ideal, but the reverse implication does not hold with the help of numerical examples. We investigate if a 21-prime bi-ideal implies a 22-prime bi-ideal, but the converse need not be true with the help of numerical examples. If G is any bi-ideal of a semiring S, then K(G) = {x ∈ G | x + y = z for some y, z ∈ G} is the unique largest k-bi-ideal contained in G. If Θ is a 21-prime bi-ideal of S, then Θ is a one-sided ideal of S. It is shown that there is a relation between G and K(G), in which G is a 13-prime bi-ideal. In our communication, 11-prime bi-ideal implies 21-prime bi-ideal. An interaction between a 31-prime bi-ideal implies a 32-prime bi-ideal, and a 32-prime bi-ideal implies a 33-prime bi-ideal; however, the reverse implication is invalid by some examples. Every 13-prime bi-ideal is a 22-prime bi-ideal, but the converse need not be true with the help of examples.

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