Optimal Control Techniques in Managing Red Palm Weevil Infestations: A Mathematical Approach

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Lamya Al-Maghamsi, Ymnah Alruwaily, Moustafa El-Shahed


This article introduces a mathematical analysis of the red palm weevil (RPW) model that incorporates optimal control techniques. The investigation delves into the dynamics among date palm trees, the RPW, and tree micro-injection. The analysis assesses the impact of sex pheromone traps and tree trunk injections on the RPW population. Sufficient constraints are identified to provide both local stability and global stability analysis of equilibrium points. The paper uses Sotomayor’s theorem as a guide to compute local bifurcations near equilibrium points. The study concludes that adopting control strategies shows to a substantial decline in the RPW population, ultimately resulting in extinction. Numerical simulations are employed to visually illustrate and support the theoretical findings.

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