Discrepancies in Euclidean Operator Radii in Hilbert C∗-Modules

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M.H.M. Rashid, Rabaa Al-Maita


In this research, we establish precise limits for the Euclidean operator radius of two bounded linear operators operating within a Hilbert C∗-module over A. Furthermore, our work establishes a connection between these limits and recent research findings that provide accurate upper and lower bounds for the numerical radius of linear operators. The primary objective of this investigation is to explore various specific scenarios of interest and extend existing inequalities found in the literature to encompass the Euclidean radius of two operators in a Hilbert A-module. Additionally, our study presents conclusions that reveal relationships between the operator norm, the typical numerical radius of a composite operator, and the Euclidean operator radius. Furthermore, we introduce several new inequalities involving the Euclidean numerical radius and Euclidean operator norm of 2-tuple operators. These inequalities offer both lower and upper bounds for the Euclidean numerical radius of 2-tuple operators, as well as for the sum and product of 2-tuple operators. We also delve into the study of Euclidean numerical radius inequalities for 2×2 operator matrices whose entries consist of 2-tuple operators, leading to the derivation of some Euclidean operator radius inequalities. Additionally, we establish an inequality for the Euclidean operator norm of 2×2 operator matrices.

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