Positive Definite Kernels and Radial Distributions on the Euclidean Motion Group

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U.E. Edeke, J.A. Odey, E.E. Essien, A.O. Otiko, D.O. Egete, J.N. Ezeorah, E.E. Bassey, B.I. Ele


Let G = R2⋊T be the Euclidean motion group and let K(λ,t) = I0(λ)δ(t) be a distribution on G, where I0(λ) is the Bessel function of order zero and δ(t) is the Dirac measure on SO(2)≅T, the circle group. In this work, it is proved, among other things, that the distribution K(λ,t) is tempered, positive definite, bounded and radial. Furthermore, a description of Levy-Schoenberg Kernels on the homogenous space of SE(2) is presented.

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