A Novel Concept of Bipolar Fuzzy Sets in UP (BCC)-Algebras: Bipolar Fuzzy Implicative UP (BCC)-Filters

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Thiti Gaketem, Pannawit Khamrot, Pongpun Julatha, Rukchart Prasertpong, Aiyared Iampan


This paper introduces the innovative concept of bipolar fuzzy implicative UP (BCC)-filters (BFIBCCFs) within the framework of UP (BCC)-algebras, aiming to enhance the theoretical understanding of fuzzy algebraic structures. Building upon established principles of bipolar fuzzy sets and UP (BCC)-algebras, we rigorously define BFIBCCFs and investigate their essential properties. The study explores the intricate relationships between BFIBCCFs and their associated cut sets, providing a comprehensive mathematical framework for their analysis. By extending existing theories, this research bridges a critical gap in the field and sets a foundation for further exploration in logical algebra and computational applications. The findings contribute not only to advancing theoretical mathematics but also to enabling practical applications in areas requiring precise modeling of uncertainty and dual-valued logic.

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